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Christmas Planner Workshop




Christmas Planner Workshop

I know that I am absolutely NOT (yet) ready for a magical, month of December.

I always have ALL the ideas, ALL the best intentions and ALL the ‘plans’ to have a magical month of December but I typically fail.

I know that most of the reason that I fail is because I don’t actually plan things out, plan things ahead of time and I don’t know exactly what of ALL the things are MOST important to me.

So I want to DO better this year. I am going to take the time to ask myself several questions, reflect on those answers, determine what the things are that I TRULY want to focus on for December and plan things out.

Once I have taken the time to do the work of deciding what I want to do most, I am going to set up a planner filled with calendars for the months leading up to December, places for all of the ideas, inspiration, lists, etc.

I will be using the Simple Stories Mix and Mingle collection to create this planner in a 6×8 ring planner also from Simple Stories.

This planner/album will be the place for ALL of the things to make sure my December is as magical as I have hoped it would be and will even serve as a memory album of sorts when I am finished.

Now, because I am creating a planner for ALL the things- please don’t misunderstand that it means I am going to TRY to DO ALL the things, but rather, I am hoping to ACTUALLY enjoy the month because things that can be done ahead of time are done (decorating) and I have time & plans for the little things like holiday movies and such.

I figured if I’m going to do this it would be fun to offer it for others to join with me and set themselves up for a magical, month of December.

What this workshop will consist of:

Two Saturday Sessions-

First Saturday session:

*****Participants will receive a set of questions in advance to answer and think about to help in determining the kind of December they hope                to have as well as to help in determining exactly what they need from their December planner.

The opening session of the workshop will be a live discussion talking about those questions with time for Q & A and participant interaction. I will also go over the concept of the planner and the various options that can be chosen when creating the planner.

I will teach how to create the foundation for the planner including: dividers, subdividers, tabs, various insert options, pocket pages & their uses and some different envelope options.

****The week between session one and session two will allow time for participants to complete making the foundation of their planner as well as various decorating they may want to do in their planner. It will also allow participants to gather items for session two (this will be discussed in session one).

Second Saturday Session:

We will begin putting our planner to work adding necessary information, creating lists, schedules, vision boards, etc.

I will show different ways to add resources and information to the planner setting everyone up with tools to help make their December ALL  they are hoping.

The cost of the workshop is $20

There will be a private group in my Mighty Networks community for this workshop with a live chat along with a place to post photos and share inspiration.

The live sessions will be recorded and available for replay.

The workshop will run in September tentatively on Saturday September 10th and Saturday September 17th. Time of the workshops is to be determined.

There will be a supply list given by September 1st.

Christmas planner workshop